You Hurt Me taby ukulele według Hooverphonics

4 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Cm, Eb, F, G

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: Bb, Cm, GmChwyty
Cm Cm               Eb Eb                F F 
I must have been blind adoring the blues
in everything lies a small kind of truth
Cm Cm Eb Eb F F G G
but then again,
just when I thought you were staying for good
you left for no reason is that all you could
Cm Cm Eb Eb F F G G
you're still a man
Eb Eb
it's not what I want
Eb Eb
it's not what I need
nothing but lies and way too much heat
just when I thought you were telling the truth
Eb Eb F F
I caught you with here oh you fool

Cm Cm Eb Eb F F G G
you hurt me when I've got so much more to give

Cm Cm Eb Eb F F
We live in denial adoring what's new
in everything lies a small kind of blues
Cm Cm Eb Eb F F G G
but then again,
just when I thought you were staying for good
you left for no reason is that all you could
Cm Cm Eb Eb F F G G
you're still a man

taby ukulele według , 03 gru 2013

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