Midnight Snack taby ukulele według Homeshake

6 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Am, D, E, G, B, Em

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: EmChwyty
Am Am      D D           E E    
Gettin' near around 4 or 5
Am Am D D E E
And the walls're turnin' over my mind
Am Am D D E E
I don't think that there's a finer sight
Am Am D D E E
Than my baby layin' down for the night

Oh, please
B B Em Em
Feelin' like I'm falling asleep
Am Am D D G G
Not ready to visit my dreams
B B Em Em
Nothing in the world let me feel
Am Am D D E E
Alone, while she's here next to me

Am Am D D E E
So, we put it off and twisted up
Am Am D D E E
And I'm thinkin' that it won't be enough
Am Am D D E E
Maybe she could cook us somethin' up
Am Am D D E E
Just a little bit to move it along

Oh, please
B B Em Em
Feelin' like I'm falling asleep
Am Am D D G G
Not ready to visit my dreams
B B Em Em
Nothing in the world let me feel
Am Am D D E E
Alone, while she's here next to me

taby ukulele według , 11 sty 2018

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