Cracked Winshield taby ukulele według Hiss Golden Messenger

3 Chwyty użyte w piosence: A, E, F#m

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: E, A, F#m, C#mChwyty
0 1 2 3 4 5
A A    E E    F#m F#m   A A    x4


A A E E F#m F#m A A
Drifting down the line like the gospel ship
A A E E F#m F#m A A
Magnolia ringing all the bells in my head
A A E E F#m F#m A A
I can feel October coming on the back-scratch wind
A A E E F#m F#m A A
Red weather calling through the cracked windshield

A A E E F#m F#m A A
Quite a few have fallen on the path back there
A A E E F#m F#m A A
When their mamas come calling it's the saddest thing
A A E E F#m F#m A A
Some are dead and buried, some are never found
A A E E F#m F#m A A
If you feel a storm coming, better shut your mouth


I was a dreamer, babe
F#m F#m A A
When I set out on the road
A A E E F#m F#m A A
But did I say that I could find my way home?
A A E E F#m F#m A A
Cracked windshield light - will you be the death of me?
A A E E F#m F#m A A E E
Oh, burn it, babe - just enough to see


A A E E F#m F#m A A x2


A A E E F#m F#m A A
I've been the king of Bixton and roamed the Bywater 'round
A A E E F#m F#m A A
I was all the colors of the little river town
A A E E F#m F#m A A
And the drums of the masses were like a funeral band
A A E E F#m F#m A A
Then the Lion of Judah came and stole their flag


A A E E F#m F#m A A x2


A A E E F#m F#m A A
A A song is just a feeling and when you make it pay the rent
A A E E F#m F#m A A
Next thing that you know, you're saying something you'd never say


I was a dreamer, babe
F#m F#m A A
When I set out on the road
A A E E F#m F#m A A
But did I say I could find my way home?
A A E E F#m F#m A A
Cracked windshield light - don't you take the best of me
A A E E F#m F#m A A E E
Oh, burn it, babe - just enough to see


A A E E F#m F#m A A x2


A A E E F#m F#m A A
Monday morning, early, getting the kids to school
A A E E F#m F#m A A
I can fix this, babe - I can fix this, babe
A A E E F#m F#m A A
I can see the ghosts coming over the tidewater plains
A A E E F#m F#m A A E E
I don't know if I'm running

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