Someday Soon taby ukulele według Harlem

6 Chwyty użyte w piosence: A, Dbm, Bm, D, B, E

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: A, GbmChwyty
There is no strumming pattern for this song yet create and get
A A Dbm Dbm
Someday soon you'll be on fire
Bm Bm Dbm Dbm
And you'll ask me for a glass of water
A A Dbm Dbm Bm Bm Dbm Dbm
And I say, No, you can just let that shit burn
A A Dbm Dbm
And you'll say, Please, please, please put me out
Bm Bm Dbm Dbm
I promise not to do it again whatever I did to you
A A Dbm Dbm
Oh please, please, please put me out
Bm Bm Dbm Dbm
I promise not to do it again whatever I did to you

A A Dbm Dbm
Oh please put me out!
Bm Bm Dbm Dbm
I promise not to do it again!
A A Dbm Dbm
Oh please put me out!
Bm Bm Dbm Dbm
I promise not to do it again!

Dirty lies to get like to me
And even he can't tell that's a suitcase between your knees
Oh, I believe that somebody had to leave,d to you

But God almighty it couldn't be me!

A A Dbm Dbm
And you'll say, please put me out!
Bm Bm Dbm Dbm
I promise not to do it again!
A A Dbm Dbm
Oh please put me out!
Bm Bm Dbm Dbm
I promise not to do it again

taby ukulele według , 16 mar 2021

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