Head Strong taby ukulele według Groundation

4 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Dm, C, Am, G

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Rok:  2001
Akord: C, AmChwyty
Dm Dm                                                         C C
What was learned from my father, yes I'll teach it to my son
Dm Dm C C
What was learned from my mother, yes I'll teach it to my daughter
Dm Dm C C
For you must remember my friend, the line of history stretches far beyond we
Dm Dm C C
And still we stand time, and time again as a tribute to them

(we'll call this the pre-chorus)
C C Dm Dm Am Am G G
Well now tell me if there's one thing that you're wanting, you gotta let me know
Dm Dm Am Am G G
Tell me something, tell me anything, why did they all have to go
Dm Dm Am Am G G
For if there's one thing, that you're wanting, you gotta let me know
Dm Dm Am Am G G
Say something, say anything, before I have to go, for Zion is awaiting

Dm Dm Am Am G G
Jah people in this life, you got to be head strong, head strong
Dm Dm Am Am G G
Teach your children right, or they won't live too long, too long
Dm Dm Am Am G G
Jah people in this life, you got to be head strong, head strong
Dm Dm Am Am G G
Live up in the right, or you won't live too long, too long

Dm Dm Am Am Dm Dm Am Am Dm Dm Am Am Dm Dm Am Am...
(Right here there there is a long instrumental part with the singer singing just a few
things in the distance, play those chords until it ends)

Dm Dm C C
What was learned from my father, yes I'll teach it to my daughter
Dm Dm C C
What was learned from my mother, yes I'll teach it to my son
Dm Dm C C
For it was them who said, don't get mixed up in your knowledge of today...

taby ukulele według , 09 kwi 2013

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