Forget It (feat Oliver Tree) taby ukulele według Getter

4 Chwyty użyte w piosence: F#, C#, Bbm, Fm

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: C#, A#mChwyty
F#maj F#maj             C#maj C#maj
You can just move over now
Bbm Bbm
You never came around
Fm Fm
Never came around
Never came around
F#maj F#maj C#maj C#maj
You can just forget it now
Bbm Bbm
You never came around
Fm Fm
Never came around
Never came around
F#maj F#maj C#maj C#maj
You can just move over now
Bbm Bbm
You never came around
Fm Fm
Never came around
Never came around
F#maj F#maj C#maj C#maj
You can just forget it now
Bbm Bbm
You never came around
Fm Fm
Never came around
Never came around

F#maj F#maj C#maj C#maj Bbm Bbm
And if you must come my way
Fm Fm F#maj F#maj
I will put you back in place
C#maj C#maj Bbm Bbm
And if you must come my way
Fm Fm F#maj F#maj
I will put you back in place
F#maj F#maj C#maj C#maj
And when you're broken
Bbm Bbm Fm Fm
Or when you're slowly breaking down
F#maj F#maj C#maj C#maj
And when you're sorry
Bbm Bbm Fm Fm
Said I'm sorry to, I'm sorry to let you down

F#maj F#maj C#maj C#maj
You can just move over now
Bbm Bbm
You never came around
Fm Fm
Never came around
Never came around
F#maj F#maj C#maj C#maj
You can just forget it now
Bbm Bbm
You never came around
Fm Fm
Never came around
Never came around

taby ukulele według , 05 lut 2021

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