Cherry Lips taby ukulele według Garbage

6 Chwyty użyte w piosence: C#, F#, B, E, A, G#

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: nieznaneChwyty
C# C#     F# F#       B B E E
She gave you everything she had
A A A A F# F# G# G#
But she was young and dumb, she just turned 21
C# C# F# F# B B E E
She didn't care to hang around
A A A A F# F# G# G#
So when the shit came down why she was nowhere to be found
C# C# F# F# B B E E
This life can turn a good girl bad
A A A A F# F# G# G#
She was the sweetest thing that you had ever seen

C# C# F# F# B B E E
You're such a delicate boy
A A A A F# F# G# G#
In the hysterical realm
C# C# F# F# B B E E
Of an emotional landslide
A A A A F# F# G# G#
In physical terms

C# C# F# F# B B E E
With your cherry lips and golden curls
A A A A F# F# G# G#
You could make grown men gasp when you go walking past
C# C# F# F# B B E E
And in your hot pants and high heels
A A A A F# F# G# G#
They could not believe that such a body was for real
C# C# F# F# B B E E
It seemed like rainbows would appear
A A A A F# F# G# G#
Whenever you came near the clouds would disappear
C# C# F# F# B B E E
Because you look just like a girl
A A A A F# F# G# G#
Your baby blues would flash and suddenly a spell was cast

C# C# F# F#
You hold a candle in your heart
B B A A E E C# C#
To shine the light on hidden parts
C# C# F# F#
You make the whole world wanna dance
B B A A E E C# C#
You bought yourself a second chance

C# C# F# F# B B E E
Go baby go go, we're right behind you
A A A A F# F# G# G#
Go baby go go, yeah, we're looking at you
C# C# F# F# B B E E
Go baby go go, oh, we're right behind you
A A A A F# F# G# G#
Go baby go baby, yeah, we're right behind you

C# C# F# F# B B E E
Go baby go baby, oh, we're right behind you }
A A A A F# F# G# G#
Go baby go baby, yeah, we're looking at you } x2

C# C# F# F#
You hold a candle in your heart, go baby go go
B B A A E E C# C#
You shine the light on hidden parts, go baby go go
C# C# F# F#
You make the whole world wanna dance, go baby go go
B B A A E E C# C#
You bought yourself a second chance, go baby go baby go
C# C# F# F# B B E E
Delicate boy (Go baby go baby go)
A A A A F# F# G# G#
In the hysterical realm (Go baby go baby go)
C# C# F# F# B B E E
Of an emotional landslide (Go baby go baby go)
A A A A F# F# G# G#
In physical terms (Go baby go go)
C# C# F# F# B B E E
Go... Yeah, we're looking at you
A A A A F# F# G# G#
Go baby go go, oh, we're right behind you

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