If You Know That I'm Lonely taby ukulele według FUR

8 Chwyty użyte w piosence: E, G, Em, Am, D, C, Cm, A

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: nieznaneChwyty
Versos e refrão:G G  Em Em Am Am   D D 
[Verso 1]
Close my eyes and
I feel like i'm not even
In my life and i never want to leave us
I see myself running out of time [verso 2]
Mistake after mistake
It's safer if i distance myself
If there's a way for me to not do what i have done for so long
Don't be sorry if you know that i'm lonely
I don't feel like you know me well enough to understand
[verso 3]
Let's be real
There's ways of dealing with a couple of damned days
It's like you're stealing what i had for a while and using it yourself
[verso 4]
In my mind i see what i want to see
And if it goes wrong i think i'll never be
The same but i know it's only make believe
[refrão 2]
So don't be sorry if you know that i'm lonely
I don't feel like you know me well enough to understand
If you can show me that your thoughts are all lonely
I'll pretend that you know me like you've always wanted to
C C Cm Cm G G
Maybe it's dazed as it's always been
C C Cm Cm G G
Hazy and they see what we can't see
Please let me know if you want me around
And i'll try my hardest to be good
( G G Em Em Am Am D D ) ( G G Em Em Am Am D D ) ( G G Em Em Am Am ) [refrão]
Don't be sorry if you know that i'm lonely
I don't feel like you know me well enough to understand

taby ukulele według , 25 lis 2020

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