Never Be Lonely taby ukulele według Feeling

8 Chwyty użyte w piosence: A, Asus4, D, Bm, G, F, C, B

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Rok:  2007
Akord: nieznaneChwyty
Oryginalny tuning: +1.5 kroki (oryginalne strojenie)
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Verse 1

A A Asus Asus A A Asus Asus
People in love get fast and foolish
A A Asus Asus A A Asus Asus
People in love get everything wrong
A A Asus Asus A A Asus Asus
People in love get scared and stupid
A A Asus Asus A A Asus Asus
People in love get everything wrong

Middle 8
D D Ainv
At least they're not lonely
Bm Bm A A
At least they're not lonely
They'll never be lonely

F F(4x) C C(4x)
B B-B B-B B-baby
Dm Dm(4x) Ainv (4x)
I think I'm going C C-C C-C C-crazy
F F(4x) C C(4x) Dm Dm(4x) Ainv(4x)
Why should I be sane without you (hahh)

Same chords as above
They tell me to fight it
They think anyone will try it,
I'll never be the same without you (hahh)

Verse 2 same chords as Verse 1
People in love get special treatment
People in love get everything wrong
People in love their hearts get eaten
People in love get everything wrong

Same chords as first Middle 8
At least they're not lonely
At least they're not lonely
They'll never be lonely

Same as first Chorus
B B-B B-B B-baby
I think I'm going C C-C C-C C-crazy
And why should I be sane without you (hahh)
They tell me to fight it
But they can bloody well just try it
I'll never be the same without you (hahh)

Pre Solo (stacatto)
Em Em(x4) Bbinv(x4) F#m F#m(x4)Cinv(x4) Dinv(x4) G# G# G#sus4 G#sus4
(hahh) (hahhh) (hahhhh) (ahhhh)

Solo Backing Chords

A A Asus Asus Asus Asus(x4)
D D Ainv Bm Bm A A D D G G

D D Ainv
never be lonely
Bm Bm A A
never be lonely

Play those chords to the end

End On D D

How to form and Invertion(inv) :
An iverton is just when you change the dominant note in a chord such as A A to a D D

taby ukulele według , 04 mar 2009

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