Screams And Dreams taby ukulele według Faye

10 Chwyty użyte w piosence: C, Am, Dm, G, Dm7, G7, Cmaj7, Am7, F, Fm

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: C, AmChwyty
Verse: C C     Am Am
Little boy, full of joy
Dm Dm G G
With round glasses and short blue trousers
C C Am Am C C Am Am Dm Dm G G
Jumping and skipping down by the bay with no words to say

Chorus: Dm Dm G G
And I guess this is the way it ends
And there’s no point in staying friends?

Verse: C C Am Am Dm Dm G G
Big singing girl out in the bar, from home so far
C C Am Am C C Am Am Dm Dm G G
Little girl, out alone in the world, going forth, showing what she’s worth

Chorus: Dm Dm G G
And I guess this is the way it ends
And there’s no point in staying friends?

C C Am Am
And I remember when you told me that you loved me
Little did I know, and little did I say

Dm Dm G G
You were over your head, and I hadn’t yet said
What’s true in our heart, to create a thing called art

Dm7 Dm7 G7 G7 Cmaj7 Cmaj7 Am7 Am7
So I wish upon a star
And I promise I’ll go far
And I close my eyes at once
And I hear a thousand songs

Interlude: F F G G Cmaj7 Cmaj7 Am7 Am7

And I close my eyes
Am Am F F C C
And I hear a thousand songs
Am Am G G F F C C Am Am C C
And I wish upon a star
F F Fm Fm
And I promise I’ll go far

Chorus: Dm Dm G G
And I guess this is the way it ends
And there’s no point in staying friends?

Dm Dm G G
And it's time to turn your screams
into dreams...

Outro: C C Am Am

taby ukulele według , 18 lis 2018

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