The (after) Life Of The Party taby ukulele według Fall Out Boy

7 Chwyty użyte w piosence: F, Dm, Bb, C/E, F/A, Gm, C

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Rok:  2007
Akord: F, DmChwyty
[Intro] F F (x4)

[Verse 1]
F F Dm Dm
I'm a stitch away, from making it
Bb Bb F F C/E C/E
And a sca---r away, from falling apart, apart
F/A F/A Gm Gm
Blood cells pixelate and the eyes dilate
Bb Bb F F C/E C/E
And the full moon pills got me Out on the street at night

Bb Bb F F C C
Cut it loo---se, Watch you work the room
(Repeat 4 times)

[Interlude] F F

[Verse 2]
F F Dm Dm
Put love on hold, young hollywood
Bb Bb F F-C/E C/E
Is on the other li----ne
F/A F/A Gm Gm
Her nose runs ruby red, Deaths in a double bed
Bb Bb F F C/E C/E
Singin' songs that could only Catch the ear of the desperate

Bb Bb F F C C
Cut it loo---se, Watch you work the room
(Repeat 4 times)

[Interlude] F F

[Verse 3] Different tune compared to verse 1
F F Dm Dm
I'm a stitch away, from making it
Bb Bb F F C/E C/E
And a scar away, from falling apart, apart
F/A F/A Gm Gm
Blood cells pixelate, and eyes dilate
Bb Bb Bb Bb C/E C/E
Kiss away young thriills and kills On the mouths of, all my friends

Bb Bb F F C C
Cut it loo---se, Watch you work the room
(Repeat 4 times)

end on F F

taby ukulele według , 14 mar 2017

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