The Nurse Who Loved Me taby ukulele według Failure

6 Chwyty użyte w piosence: C#, D#, G#, F#, B, A

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Tablature / Chords (Piosenka uproszczona)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: nieznaneChwyty
C# C#    D# D#  G# G#     F# F#              C# C#   
Say hello to the rug's topography
B B F# F# G# G#
It holds quite a lot of interest with your face down on it
C# C# D# D# G# G# F# F# C# C#
Say hello to the shrinking in your head
B B F# F# G# G#
You can't see it but you know its there so don't neglect it

F# F# A A C# C# G# G# F# F#
I'm taking her home with me all dressed in white
A A C# C# G# G# F# F#
She's got everything I need pharmacy keys
F# F# A A C# C# G# G# F# F#
She's falling hard for me I can see it in her eyes
A A C# C# G# G# F# F#
She acts just like a nurse with all the other guys

taby ukulele według , 27 sie 2019

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