Sometimes taby ukulele według Erasure

7 Chwyty użyte w piosence: G#, F#, C#, A#, D#, A, B

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Rok:  1987
Akord: nieznaneChwyty
Oryginalny tuning: +0.5 kroki (oryginalne strojenie)
Progresja tabów / chwytów stworzonych dla ukulele.
G# G#
It's not the way you look lead me
F# F# C# C#
By the Hand into the bedroom (G# G#,F# F#,C# C#)
G# G#
It's not the way you throw your clothes
F# F# C# C#
Upon the bathroom floor (G# G#,F# F#,C# C#)
C# C#
Been thinking about you
A# A#
I just could'nt wait to see
D# D#
Fling my arms around you
G# G#
As we fall in ecstacy

C# C# G# G#
OOh Sometimes
A A B B F# F#
The truth is harder than the pain inside yeah
C# C# G# G#
OOh sometimes
B B F# F#
It's the broken heart that decides

G# G#
It's not the way that you caress me
F# F# C# C#
Toy with my affection (G# G#,F# F#,C# C#)
G# G#
It's not my sense of emptiness
F# F# C# C#
You fill with your desire (G# G#,F# F#,C# C#)
C# C#
Climb in bed beside me
A# A#
We can lock the world outside
D# D#
Touch me, satisfy me
G# G#
Warm your body next to mine

Repeat (CHORUS)

taby ukulele według nieznane, 28 sie 2009

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