Negative Nine taby ukulele według Emery

6 Chwyty użyte w piosence: D5, A#5, G5, F5, C5, A5

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: F, Gm, DmChwyty
Guitar 1: Guitar 2:
D5 D5 A#5 A#5 x4 Part x4 end on open E E

D5 D5 A#5 A#5 D5 D5
You say all the things you say,
A#5 A#5
To ease your pain...
D5 D5 A#5 A#5 D5 D5
Inside, you throw it all away,
A#5 A#5
And start again...

Guitar 1: Guitar 2:
D5 D5 A#5 A#5 x2 Part x 2 end on open e

D5 D5 A#5 A#5 D5 D5
You hate all the things you hate
A#5 A#5
To make me stay...
D5 D5 A#5 A#5 D5 D5
Quiet, I've heard enough from you.
A#5 A#5
It's time to choose...

G5 G5 F5 F5 A#5 A#5 D5 D5
Father I want this taken from me...
G5 G5 F5 F5 A#5 A#5
Father I need you with me...

Chrous: *Listen for Rhythm*
C5 C5 D5 D5 A#5 A#5
They don't know
C5 C5 D5 D5 A#5 A#5
they're sinking mine...
C5 C5 D5 D5 A#5 A#5
They can't see
C5 C5 D5 D5 A#5 A#5

Guitar 2:
Part x1/2

Guitar 1: Guitar 2:
D5 D5 A#5 A#5 x2 Part x2 end on open E E

D5 D5 A#5 A#5 D5 D5
We say all the things you say
A#5 A#5
That you might come...
D5 D5 A#5 A#5 D5 D5
Save them, open their eyes.
A#5 A#5
Their blinded eyes...

G5 G5 F5 F5 A#5 A#5 D5 D5
Father we want to make them see...
G5 G5 F5 F5 A#5 A#5
Father we need relief...

Chrous: *Listen for Rhythm*
C5 C5 D5 D5 A#5 A#5
They don't know
C5 C5 D5 D5 A#5 A#5
they're sinking mine...
C5 C5 D5 D5 A#5 A#5
They can't see
C5 C5 D5 D5 A#5 A#5

G5 G5 F5 F5
In my selfish way,
G5 G5 F5 F5
I won't share everything...
G5 G5 F5 F5 A#5 A#5 A5 A5
Words mean less to you
G5 G5 F5 F5
Every time I come through...
G5 G5 D5 D5
So leave it out once again,
G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 A#5 A#5
'Cause they can't. see. anything...

taby ukulele według , 02 sty 2013

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