Ghosts N Stuff taby ukulele według Deadmau5

4 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Am, G, F, D

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: C, G, Am, EmChwyty
intro: Am Am, G G, F F, D D (repeat through whole song. it never changes :D D)

Am Am G G F F D D

it's been so long I've been out of my body with you

Am Am G G F F D D

I feel alone, feel at home, feel like nothing is true

you take me to a place where my senses gave-way

turn it round, shut it down, what the people say

climbing up, coming down, gonna give you some

take my hand and let it come, let it come, let it..

take it back when she knows that your doing it right

cuz everbody else knows what their taking tonight

but I... just wanna play it right

we... we're gonna get there tonight!

it's been so far, I've been walking the line on my own

lift me up to the stars, we are coming home

I know we had a chase, but were out of time

we are souls in the cold, physical design

set me free, set me out on the run

lift me up to the sun, to the sun, to the..

when your burning down, when your burning down

it's the way that you think that I know it's too late

but I... just want to play it right

we... we're gonna get there tonight!

I... just want to take you down

we... we're gonna bring you round

Am Am, G G, F F, D D (x2)

but I... just want to play it right

we... were gonna get there tonight!

taby ukulele według , 06 sty 2019

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