Sherlock (bbc) Theme Song taby ukulele według David Arnold And Denis Yeletskikh

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Tablature / Chords (Piosenka uproszczona)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: nieznaneTabulatura (bez chwytów)
0 1 2 3 4 5



[play quickly... you'll get the rhythm]

taby ukulele według , 12 sty 2012

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iwannabeme avatar
flag for SG(ISO2) (Singapore)
Thank you so much for making this tab! I just LOVE Sherlock!
07 Jul 2018
holly1432 avatar
I think it sounds closer to the original if you add a second 8 after the first one in the second bar, remove the 8 directly after the bracketed 565 and remove the last two notes. Other than that it's great thank you so much!
19 Jan 2012

Top Taby i chwyty David Arnold And Denis Yeletskikh, nie przegap tych utworów!

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