Both Sides Of The Moon taby ukulele według Celeste

6 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Bm, Em7, B, Bm7, B7, Em

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: EmChwyty i tabulatura
Intro] Bm Bm

[Primeira Parte]

Em7 Em7
He confides in me, he needs to
Bm Bm B B
He doesn't feel the need to lie
Em7 Em7
And my suspicions always proved me
Bm7 Bm7
Did I deserve it?

Tell me, was it worth it?

B7 B7 Em7 Em7
I smell the cinnamon, how could I

Expect me to defend myself when you
ain't there
Bm7 Bm7
Now his hand are in my hair, his
whispers in my head
B7 B7
That's it, I'm broken


Em7 Em7 Em Em
Our love is tainted by the tide
Bm7 Bm7 B7 B7
Both sides, both sides of the moon
Em7 Em7 Em Em
And our moon is tainted by the tide
Both sides, both sides, both sides
Em7 Em7 Em Em
And the moon is a slave to the tides
Bm7 Bm7 B7 B7
Both sides, both sides, both sides


Em7 Em7
Yeah, I wonder how you leave
Bm Bm
When I know there's no place to go
B7 B7 Em7 Em7
And I wonder how you still move me
Em Em

Bm Bm
To a place where I have no control

B7 B7

[Parte 2]

Em Em
Here we go again, I'm pacing back with
Em7 Em7
Going back and forth but this pain is
in my chest
Bm Bm
I'm braving it again, thinking, "How
does this make sense?"
B7 B7
I'm hoping they're just friends


Em7 Em7 Em Em
Our love is tainted by the tide
Bm7 Bm7 B7 B7
Both sides, both sides of the moon
Em7 Em7 Em Em
And our moon is tainted by the tide
Bm7 Bm7 B7 B7
Both sides, both sides, both sides
Em7 Em7 Em Em
And the moon is a slave to the tides
Bm7 Bm7 B7 B7
Both sides, both sides, both sides


Em7 Em7
Yeah, I wonder how you leave
Bm Bm
When I know there's no place to go
B7 B7 Em7 Em7 Em Em
And I wonder how you still move me
Bm Bm
To a place where I have no control
Em Em
Both sides, both sides...both sides,
both sides

[Final] Bm Bm



taby ukulele według , 18 lis 2022

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