Harlem taby ukulele według Cathedrals

7 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Gm, Cm, Bb, F, C, Dm, D

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: GmChwyty
Gm Gm          Cm Cm         Bb Bb          F F      Bb Bb
You come to pass on myself, on my past, oooh
Bb Bb Gm Gm x2

Bb Bb
Baby don’t worry
I’ll never let you down
C C Gm Gm
When I find the evidence
C C Gm Gm
Chalk it up to providence

Bb Bb
Baby don’t worry
It’s all inside your head
Cm Cm Gm Gm
Tell me what you wanna know
Cm Cm Gm Gm
I will give you quite a show

Bb Bb
Gonna take you away
Gonna take you away
Gm Gm
When I take you down and they take you away
and I spin you around and I make you wait
and I turn you around

Bb Bb
I go, you stay, we break
Gm Gm
Tell me that’s ok
I go, you stay, we break
Bb Bb
Tell me that’s ok

Bb Bb
Baby don’t worry
The demons in your head
Gm Gm
Always had the best intent
Ever try to listen in?

Bb Bb
Baby don’t worry (Never ashamed)
C C Gm Gm
I see it on your face (Worn on my face)
Banging up against the door (Looking through my door)

Bb Bb Gm Gm Dm Dm
Hey I won’t let you come in through my door
Bb Bb Gm Gm Dm Dm
Hey I won’t let you come in through my door
F F Gm Gm
Come in through my door
Dm Dm
Come in through my door
F F C C Cm Cm Gm Gm Dm Dm
Hey I won’t let you come in through my door

F F C C Gm Gm D D Dm Dm Bb Bb C C Gm Gm D D

Gm Gm Cm Cm Bb Bb F F Bb Bb
You come to pass on myself, on my past, oooh

Bb Bb
Gonna take you away
Gonna take you away
Gm Gm
When I take you down and they take you away
and I spin you around and I make you wait
and I turn you around
Bb Bb
I go, you stay, we break
Gm Gm
Tell me that’s ok
Dm Dm
I go, you stay, we break
Bb Bb
Tell me that’s ok

taby ukulele według , 16 lip 2018

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