Youth Culture taby ukulele według Carmen

4 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Bb, Gm, Ab, Cm

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Rok:  2018
Akord: Eb, CmChwyty
Bb Bb

Gm Gm
It makes no sense
Ab Ab Bb Bb
You got used to someone like him
Gm Gm
In fact I can't
Ab Ab Bb Bb
Stay the night and ruin your plans
Gm Gm
'Cause it's 4 am, my dear
Ab Ab Bb Bb
Let's shed a tear, this is the life

Gm Gm
Sometimes you laugh, you cry
Cm Cm
I can't stop this feeling, so I say goodbye
Ab Ab
Then it feels like I'm sealing all the cracks
Bb Bb
Of my heart
Gm Gm
And I wonder why
Cm Cm
Are we still wasting our precious time?
Ab Ab
We're not going back to what we were
Bb Bb
Enjoy this youth culture

Gm Gm
Oh, let's try again
Ab Ab Bb Bb
I get along with most of your friends
Gm Gm
And it's so easy to pretend when no
Ab Ab Bb Bb
one here seems to understand
Gm Gm
That it's 4 am, my dear
Ab Ab Bb Bb
Let's share a cig, this is the life

Gm Gm
Sometimes you laugh, you cry
Cm Cm
I can't stop this feeling, so I say goodbye
Ab Ab Then it feels like I'm sealing all the cracks
Bb Bb
Of my heart
Gm Gm
And I wonder why
Cm Cm
Are we still wasting our precious time?
Ab Ab
We're not going back to what we were
Bb Bb
Enjoy this youth culture

Gm Gm
Sometimes you laugh, you cry
Cm Cm
I can't stop this feeling, so I say goodbye
Ab Ab Then it feels like I'm sealing all the cracks
Bb Bb
Of my heart
Gm Gm
And I wonder why
Cm Cm
Are we still wasting our precious time?
Ab Ab
We're not going back to what we were
Bb Bb
Enjoy this youth culture

Gm Gm

taby ukulele według , 04 maj 2019

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