Meanwhile Rick James taby ukulele według Cake

7 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Gm, F, A#, C, Dm, D#, D#m

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Rok:  2001
Akord: nieznaneChwyty
Gm Gm F F
Gm Gm F F

Gm Gm
Disempowered, the scattering flock
Dances in a fever at the castle rock
Gm Gm
Dust-devil cypress and ripening fruit
Ascending quick into the author's bathroom
A# A#
Fawn, Jo, and Tootsie are out on a wire
Lettuce-toothed junkies all full of desire

F F C C A# A# C C F F A# A#
Meanwhile, Rick James takes her nude, and there's nothing I can do
F F C C A# A# C C F F A# A#
Meanwhile, Rick James takes her nude, and there's nothing I can do
Dm Dm Gm Gm Dm Dm Gm Gm
And there's nothing I can say to you
D# D# D#m D#m A# A#
I've got a lot of work to do, I guess I'll leave it up to you

Gm Gm
Uninvited, we'll stay if we want
Searching through your closets for your grandfather's gun
Gm Gm
We'll swim in your kidney, kidney shaped pool
Scratching at the bottom for another clue, yeah
A# A#
Fawn, Jo, and Tootsie are out on a wire
Lettuce-toothed junkies all full of desire

F F C C A# A# C C F F A# A#
Meanwhile, Rick James takes her nude, and there's nothing I can do
F F C C A# A# C C F F A# A#
Meanwhile, Rick James takes her nude, and there's nothing I can do
F F C C A# A# C C F F A# A#
And there's nothing I can say to you
F F C C A# A# C C F F A# A#
Ahhhh Ahhhhhh
Dm Dm
And there's nothing I can do
Gm Gm Dm Dm
And there's nothing I can say to you
D# D# D#m D#m A# A#
I've got a lot of work to do, I guess Ill leave it up to you

Gm Gm F F
Gm Gm F F

taby ukulele według , 06 kwi 2013

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