Ever Fallen In Love (with Someone You Shoudn't've) taby ukulele według Buzzcocks

2 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Dm, C

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: C, F, Dm, AmChwyty i tabulatura
( Why's noone put this up? i take no credit for this except for typing up)

Dm Dm C C
You stir my natural emotions
Dm Dm C C
You make me feel I'm dirt

And I'm hurt

Dm Dm C C
And if I start a commotion
Dm Dm C C
I run the risk of losing you
And that's worse

The riff goes somethin like:


Yepp thats it :)

taby ukulele według , 16 lut 2010

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