Year 3000 taby ukulele według Busted

4 Chwyty użyte w piosence: B, F#, E, G#m

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Rok:  2004
Akord: B, G#mChwyty
B B F# F# E E F# F#

B B F# F# E E
One day when I came home at lunchtime
F# F#
I heard a funny noise
B B F# F# E E
Went out to the back yard to find out if it was
F# F#
One of those rowdy boys
B B F# F# E E
Stood there was my neighbour called Peter

And a Flux Capacitor

G#m G#m F# F#
He told me he'd built a time machine
Like the one in a film I've seen

Yeah, yeah?.He said

B B F# F# E E
I've been to the Year 3000
B B F# F# E E
Not much has changed but they lived underwater
B B F# F# E E
And your Great great great grand daughter
B B F# F# E E
Is pretty fine (is pretty fine)

B B F# F# E E F# F#
He took me to the future in the flux thing and I saw everything
B B F# F# E E F# F#
Boybands and another one and another one ' and another one!
B B F# F# E E F# F#
Triple breasted women swim around town ? totally naked!
G#m G#m F# F#
We drove around in the time machine
Like the one in a film I've seen

Yeah,yeah He said?


B B F# F# E E
I?ve been to the Year 3000
B B F# F# E E
Not much has changed but they lived underwater
B B F# F# E E
And your Great great great grand daughter
B B F# F# E E
Is pretty fine (is pretty fine)

B B F# F#
I took a trip to the year 3000
E E F# F#
This song had gone multi platinum
B B F# F#
Everybody brought our seventh album
E E F# F#
It had outsold Michael Jackson
B B F# F#
I took a trip to the year 3000
E E F# F#
This song had gone multi platinum
B B F# F# E E
Everybody brought our seventh album, seventh album

Back to chorus

⇢ Nie podoba Ci się ta tablatura? Wyświetl 4 innych wersji

taby ukulele według nieznane, 19 sie 2009

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