Idgaf taby ukulele według Boywithuke

7 Chwyty użyte w piosence: A, E, C, G, Am, F, F7

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Tablature / Chords (Wstęp)

Font size: A- A A+

Album:  nieznane
Akord: C, F, Dm, AmChwyty
With capo on the 2nd fret

Picking pattern
A |-----A------------------|
E |-----E------------------|
C |-----C------------------|
G |-G----------------------|

[Verse 1: BoyWithUke]
Am Am C C
You were caught in a lie, said it with your eyes
F F F7 F7
Said to all my homies that you weren't even mine
Am Am C C
You didn't think twice, got a heart made of ice
F F F7 F7
And that shit hit me, did me dirty
Am Am C C
I never asked why, and I never did cry
F F F7 F7
I never told another how I felt inside
Am Am c
My demons don't hide when I'm dreaming at night
F F F7 F7
And I won't mislead you, you'll miss me

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taby ukulele według , 20 mar 2022

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