Dearest Mom (steven Universe Genderswapped) taby ukulele według Blu

4 Chwyty użyte w piosence: C, Em, Am, F

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: C, AmChwyty
C C            Em Em
Dearest mom, remember when
Am Am F F
You would sing to me, we could do it again
C C Em Em
Dearest mom, remember how
Am Am F F
I would sit on your lap, well how 'bout it now
C C Em Em
Dearest mom, I was wondering why
Am Am F F
As I get older, now that days keep going on by
C C Em Em
Dearest mom, remember this too
Am Am F F
In this whole wide world there's no one like
C C Em Em Am Am F F
you ooh ooh ooh
C C Em Em Am Am F F
There's no one like you ooh ooh ooh

C C Em Em
My darling daughter, I remember when
Am Am F F
I would sing to you, and I would do it again
C C Em Em
Beloved child, remember this too
Am Am F F
In this world of Gems there's no one like
C C Em Em Am Am F F
you ooh ooh ooh
C C Em Em Am Am F F
You ooh ooh ooh
C C Em Em Am Am F F
You ooh ooh ooh
C C Em Em Am Am F F
You ooh ooh ooh

taby ukulele według , 12 wrz 2016

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