I'll Never Get Over You Getting Over Me taby ukulele według Bellefire

10 Chwyty użyte w piosence: G, C, Am, D, F#m, B, Em, C2, D2, G2

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: nieznaneChwyty
Intro:  G G  -  Em Em  (2x)

Verse 1:
I hear you taking the town again
C C Am Am D D
Having a good time with all your good time friends
I don't think that you think of me
C C F#m F#m B B
You're on your own now and I'm alone and free
Em Em B B
I know that I should get on with my life
C2 C2 D2 D2
But a life without you could never be right

Chorus :
C C G G Am Am D D
As long as the stars shine down from the heavens
C C Am Am D D
Long as the rivers run to the sea
C C G G Am Am D D G G
I'll never get over you getting over me

Verse 2:
I try to smile so the hurt won't show
C C Am Am D D
Tell everybody I was glad to see you go
But the tears just won't go away
Loneliness found me
F#m F#m B B
Looks like it's here to stay
Em Em B B
I know that I ought to find someone new
C2 C2 D2 D2
But all I found is myself always thinking of you
(Repeat chorus)

C2 C2
Oh, no matter what I do
G2 G2
Each night a lifetime to live through
Am Am C2 C2
I can't go on like this I need your touch
D2 D2
You're the only one I ever love

C2 C2 G2 G2 Am Am D2 D2
As long as the stars shine down from the heavens
C2 C2 Am Am D2 D2
Long as the rivers run to the sea
C2 C2 G2 G2 Am Am D2 D2
I'll never get over you getting over

C2 C2 G2 G2 Am Am D2 D2
I'll never get over you getting over
C2 C2 G2 G2 Am Am
I'll never get over you... getting over
C2 C2 G2 G2 Am Am G G
I'll never get over you getting over me

taby ukulele według , 05 sie 2012

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