Forks And Knifes taby ukulele według Beirut

4 Chwyty użyte w piosence: G, Em, Am, D

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: G, EmChwyty
G G Em Em Am Am D D

G G Em Em Am Am D D G G
Uptown, the street's in a calming way
Em Em Am Am D D G G
And outside is warm as a bed with a maid
Em Em Am Am D D G G
And I find it's all our waves and raves
Em Em Am Am D D G G
That makes the days go on this way

G G Em Em Am Am D D

G G Em Em Am Am D D G G
I heard the sad sound of words
Em Em Am Am D D G G
Spoken from the beak of a wise old bird
Em Em Am Am D D G G
Uptown, the streets are kept afloat
Em Em Am Am D D G G
A A girl never leaves me alone

G G Em Em Am Am D D

G G Em Em Am Am
He means well, saying,
D D G G Em Em
I've got stories of wine, superb
Am Am D D G G Em Em
And of course my childhood, forks and knives
Am Am D D G G Em Em Am Am D D G G
And a hospital bed, where I turned my life over and over again

G G Em Em Am Am D D

taby ukulele według , 28 gru 2009

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