The Lepidopterist taby ukulele według Beetlebug

3 Chwyty użyte w piosence: G, E, C

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: AmChwyty i tabulatura
Rytmy: pluck e string then strum down 3 times

Chords! (I'm going by ear/what I can see auri play)
5-5-5-7 0-5-3-5 0-4-3-5 0-3-2-3
2-2-1-3 0-2-1-2 0-0-0-3 x-x-x-2 0-0-0-1

5-5-5-7 0-5-3-5 0-4-3-5 0-3-2-3
2-2-1-3 0-2-1-2 0-0-0-3 G E C

Verse 1
5557 0535 0435 0323
You never fail my swallowtail
2213 0212 0003 xxx2 0001
Sitting so sweet in the palm of my hand
5557 0535 0435 0323
To make me feel safe and fill me with grace
2213 0212 0003 0100
wings as pale as the sun on the sand
5557 0535 0435 0323
Merry and bright my cabbage white
2213 0212 0003 0100
freshly steamed milk of the moonlight
5557 0535 0435 0323
for you are the morning the noon and the night
2213 0212 0003

Verse 2
5557 0535 0435 0323
leaving so soon my holly blue
2213 0212 0003 xxx2 0001
gently you flew to the ends of the day
5557 0535 0435 0323
fleeting time passing through as cold evening dew
2213 0212 0003 0100 2213 0212
a mellow reminder of your once warm breath of rain

Bridge (x2)
0003 0002 0001 0100
la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
2213 2213 1013
la la la la la la la la la la

Verse 3
5557 0535 0435 0323
Snail shell swirl mother of pearl
2213 0212 0003 xxx2 0001
locked like a curl 'round my finger so tight
5557 0535 0435 0323
Though I love you so you're losing your glow
2213 0212 0003 0100
why do you have to let go but
5557 0535 0435 0323
We'll never be so I'll set you free
2213 0212 0003 0100
up to the clouds so high
5557 0535 0435 0323
For you are the earth and the sea and the sky
2213 0212 0003 0100

5557 0535 0435 0323
And you were more beautiful when you could fly
2-2-1-3 1-2-1-3 0-0-0-2

(thank you to @goldendoodle252 on youtube!!)

taby ukulele według , 01 lip 2023

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