Emotions taby ukulele według Bee Gees

6 Chwyty użyte w piosence: C, Am, Em, Dm, G7, G

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: C, AmChwyty
It's over and done,
Am Am Em Em Am Am
But the heartache lives on inside (ohhhhh)
Dm Dm
And who is the one you´re clinging to,
G7 G7 C C
Instead of me tonight.

Dm Dm
And where are you now,
Em Em
Now that I need you,
Dm Dm
Tears on my pillow,
Em Em
Where ever you go,
Dm Dm
I'll cry me a river
Em Em
That´s leads to your ocean
Dm Dm
You´ll never see me fall apart
G G G7 G7
In the words of a broken heart

Am Am Em Em
It´s just emotion that's taking me over,
Am Am Em Em
Caught up in sorrow, lost in the song,
Am Am
But if you don´t come back,
Em Em
Come home to me darling,
Dm Dm
You'll know there´s nobody
Left in this world to hold me tight,
Dm Dm G7 G7
There´s nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight,
C C Dm Dm
Goodnight (2x)

I´m there, at your side,
Am Am Em Em Am Am
A A part of all the things you are,
Dm Dm
But you have a part of someone else,
G7 G7 C C
You gotta go find your shining star.

taby ukulele według , 05 sie 2013

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