You Should Know Where Im Coming From taby ukulele według Banks

5 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Am, Em, F, G, Dm

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: C, AmChwyty

Am Am - Em Em - F F

[Verse 1]

Am Am Em Em F F
What if I said I'd break your heart?
Am Am Em Em F F G G(once)
What if I said I have problems that made me, me?
Am Am Em Em F F
What if I knew I would just rip your mind apart
Em Em G G F F
Would you let me out?
Am Am Em Em F F
Maybe you can stop before you start
Am Am Em Em F F G G
Maybe you can see that I just may be too crazy to love
Am Am Em Em F F
If I told you solitude fits me like a glove
Em Em G G F F
Would you let me out?


Dm Dm F F Am Am G G
You ought to know where I'm coming from
Dm Dm F F Am Am G G
How I was alone when I burned my home
Dm Dm F F Am Am G G F F
And all of the pieces were torn and thrown
G G Em Em Am Am
You should know where I'm coming from

[Verse 2]

Am Am Em Em F F
What if I said I was just too young?
Am Am Em Em F F G G
What if I said I was built on bricks of carelessness and crumbs
Am Am Em Em F F
What if I said I'd be gone before I could come
Em Em G G F F
Would you let me out?


Dm Dm F F Am Am G G
You ought to know where I'm coming from
Dm Dm F F Am Am G G
How I was alone when I burned my home
Dm Dm F F Am Am G G F F
And all of the pieces were torn and thrown
G G Em Em F F
You should know where I'm coming from


F F Am Am
Your sought out ways
My own, my own
F F Am Am G G
But you turn me away from my low blows
Boy, you should've known

[Chorus] x2

Dm Dm F F Am Am G G
You ought to know where I'm coming from
Dm Dm F F Am Am G G
How I was alone when I burned my home
Dm Dm F F Am Am G G F F
And all of the pieces were torn and thrown
G G Em Em Am Am
You should know where I'm coming from

Am Am - Em Em - F F

taby ukulele według , 27 lip 2016

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