Your Blood taby ukulele według AURORA

4 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Dm, G, C, Am

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: C, AmChwyty
Dm Dm G G

[Verse 1]
Dm Dm G G
Your blood, what matter is it made of?
C C Am Am
Do you feel it travel in and out your heart?
Dm Dm G G
Needles, stitching up the big holes
C C Am Am
You prepared for battle, as you fell apart

Dm Dm G G C C
Are you dust?
Am Am
You are dust


[Verse 2]
Dm Dm G G
Your voice drowning in the white noise
C C Am Am
Do you hear the echo begging you to let go? (Let go, let go, let go)
Dm Dm G G
This earth, whoever was it made for?
C C Am Am
Just wait until tomorrow, it might not be as cold (Cold, cold, cold, cold, cold)

Dm Dm
Am Am

Dm Dm
When all inside you burns like a star
G G C C Am Am
It's after you burn out that you are reborn again, reborn again
Dm Dm
And maybe if you called out for help
Then I could help you outrun yoursеlf
C C Am Am
Come run again, we'll run again

Dm Dm G G
But I, I refusе to die
C C Am Am
I refuse to die
Dm Dm G G
But I, I refuse to die
I refuse to die
Am Am


Dm Dm G G C C
We are dust, hmm
Am Am
We are dust

Dm Dm
When all inside you burns like a star
G G C C Am Am
It's after you burn out that you are reborn again, reborn again
Dm Dm
And maybe if you called out for help
Then I could help you outrun yoursеlf
C C Am Am
Come run again, we'll run again

Dm Dm
You are dust
You are dust
C C Am Am
You are dust
Dm Dm
You are dust
You are dust
C C Am Am
You are dust

You are dust

Dm Dm G G
Your blood, what matter is it made of?
C C Am Am
Do you feel it travel in and out your heart?

taby ukulele według , 13 mar 2025

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