Nobody’s Wife taby ukulele według Anouk

5 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Em, C, Am, G, D

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Rok:  1998
Akord: G, EmChwyty

Em Em C C Am Am G G G G

[Verse 1]


I'm sorry for the times that I made you scream
For the times that I killed your dreams
For the times that I made your whole world rumble
For the times that I made you cry
For the times that I told you lies
For the times that I watched and let you stumble


Em Em C C Am Am G G G G
It's too bad, but that's me
Em Em C C Am Am G G G G
What goes around comes around, you'll see
Am Am D D G G C C
That I can carry the burden of pain
Am Am D D G G C C
'Cause it ain't the first time that a man goes insane
Am Am D D G G C C
And when I spread my wings to embrace him for life
Am Am D D G G C C
I'm suckin' out his love, 'cause I, I'll never be nobody's wife

[Verse 2]


I'm sorry for the times that I didn't come home
Left you lyin' in that bed alone
Was flyin' high in the sky when you needed my shoulder
You're like a stone hangin' round my neck, see
Cut it loose before it breaks my back, see
I've gotta say what I feel before I grow older
I'm sorry but I ain't gonna change my ways
You know I've tried but I'm still the same
I've got to do it my own way


Em Em C C Am Am G G G G
It's too bad, but that's me
Em Em C C Am Am G G G G
What goes around comes around, you'll see
Am Am D D G G C C
That I can carry the burden of pain
Am Am D D G G C C
'Cause it ain't the first time that a man goes insane
Am Am D D G G C C
And when I spread my wings to embrace him for life
Am Am D D G G C C
I'm suckin' out his love, 'cause I, I'll never be nobody's wife



Em Em C C Am Am G G G G
It's too bad, but that's me
Em Em C C Am Am G G G G
What goes around comes around, you'll see
Am Am D D G G C C
That I can carry the burden of pain
Am Am D D G G C C
'Cause it ain't the first time that a man goes insane
Am Am D D G G C C
And when I spread my wings to embrace him for life
Am Am D D G G C C
I'm suckin' out his love, 'cause I, I'll never be nobody's wife

taby ukulele według , 17 maj 2020

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