Sweet People taby ukulele według Alyosha

7 Chwyty użyte w piosence: Em, Emadd9, C, Am7, F#add9, F#, Am

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Album:  nieznane
Akord: nieznaneChwyty
Intro:  Em Em Emadd9 Emadd9 Em Em Em Em | Em Em | Cmaj Cmaj | Am7 Am7

Em Em
Oh, sweet people
What have we done?
Am7 Am7
Tell me what is happening?
Cmaj Cmaj
For all that we've built tumbles and is gone.

Oh, sweet people
Have you no love for mankind?
Must you go on killing
Just to pass the time?

The message is so true
The end is really near
All these feelings take me down
It steals the things so dear.

Yes, the message is so real.
Don't turn all the earth to stone,
Because, because, because
This is your home.

Instrumental: Emadd9 Emadd9 | Emadd9 Emadd9 | Cmaj Cmaj | Am7 Am7

Oh, sweet people
What about our children?
In theatres and video games
They watch what we send to ruin.

Oh, sweet people
What senseless game
Have we all been playing?
No one but you to blame?

The message is so true,
The end is really near,
All these feelings take me down,
It steals the things so dear.

Yes, the message is so real.
Don't turn all the earth to stone,
Because, because, because
This is your home.

Instrumental: Em Em | F# F# | Am Am | C C

Em Em
This is our home.

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