Przeróbki ukulele Hold On Til May (Pierce the Veil)

Hold On Til May, Pierce the Veil (Okładka Uke wykonana przez aspynmicaela)

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This is my cover of Pierce the Veil's "Hold On Til May." Pierce the Veil, I have to admit, is not a bad band. I know that people nowadays may cringe at the fact that they thought this band was so awesome, and hardcore... but I honestly don't. For me, music (usually) always means something. Chances are if I love a song or a band, they will always have a place in my heart. Especially songs like this. Facebook: Aspyn Micaela Covers Instagram: aspynmicaelacovers Twitter: aspynmcovers

Okładka Uke wykonana przez , 25 lut 2018

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