How to play Ukulele on your Acoustic Guitar

I always wanted to buy an ukulele, but I live in Brazil, so I need to buy it from eBay.
Reading about ukuleles I learned that uke's string tuning is GCEA and it uses nylon strings.
If you want to play ukulele using a acoustic guitar, get one that has nylon strings and use a Capo on 5th fret and play the uke chords using the 1st, 2nd, 3dr and 4th guitar strings.
What Happens:
Guitar's 1st String 'E' with capo on 5th fret becomes 'A'
Guitar's 2nd String 'B' with capo on 5th fret becomes 'E'
Guitar's 3rd String 'G' with capo on 5th fret becomes 'C'
Guitar's 4th String 'D' with capo on 5th fret becomes 'G'
Now you have a ukulele on your acoustic guitar :D
It's not the same song but it really helps to learn if u don't have a uke.
Have fun!
by Vitor de Freitas