Beginner/Intermediate Chords To Know

Now that you have some basic chords down, here's the next level up!
Here are some more chords to begin playing with, starting out easier and geting gradually harder. The next lesson I post will contain chords I see fitting to know once you've gotten this set memorized.
By memorized I mean you can remember the finger positioning, title, and can easily swich between the ones you know.
Don't worry if you cant get everthing right away, these things can take time :)
(PS - I'd work a bit harder on memorizing these, the similarity is difficult for me alot of the time too XD )
B chord
- index finger, third & fourth strings, second space down
- middle finger, second string, third space down
- ring finger, first string, fourth space down
~ (kinda like stairs or something)
Bb chord
- index finger, third & fourth strings, first space
- middle finger, second string, second space down
- ring finger, first string, third space down
~ (kinda like stairs or something)
Bm chord
- index finger, second space down, strings 2-4
- thunb, first string, fourth space down
~ (there probably is another way to do this that i don't know about)
Bbm chord
- index finger, first space , strings 2-4
- thunb, first string, third space down
~ (there probably is another way to do this that i don't know about)
These should be able to get you through some slightly more advanced songs
After getting a feel for putting your fingers in each position, try to work on switching between each of them.
As an example try to play this :
B B B B Bm Bm Bm Bm Bb Bb Bb Bb Bbm Bbm Bbm Bbm
(just something I made up this time)
or maybe speed it up a bit
B B Bm Bm Bb Bb Bbm Bbm
When you have it down, move on to new chords!
(the links to my lessons can be found by viewing my profile)