Tab ukulele senza accordi.

"Epona's Song"
A --5------5------5---------
E ----7-5----7-5----7-5--7-5
C --------------------------
G --------------------------
A ---------4-5----5--5-4----
E -------------7---------7-5
C --6-5-6-------------------
G --------------------------
A --5------5------5---------
E ----7-5----7-5----7-5--7-5
C --------------------------
G --------------------------
A -----------4-5----5----7-5
E ---------7----------------
C --6-5-6-------------------
G --------------------------
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Commenti Tab (2)
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This is definitely the best tabbed Epona's song, and it's perfect for beginners like me. Everything's close together and follows an easy pattern, and the natural slowness of the song means it's physically very easy to keep up. Thanks for this!
06 Aug 2019

Top Tabs e accordiby Zelda, non perdere queste canzoni!
Info brano: Epona's Song
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