4 Accordi usati nel brano: D, A, G, E7

Guarda questi accordi per il Baritono
Trasponi accordi:
O (D) come all ye (
A) faithful, (
D) joyful and (
A) triumphant,
O (G) come ye, o (
A) come ye to Be - (
E7) -eth (
A) -lehem.
(D) Come and be (
G) hold him, (
A) born the (
G) King of (
A) Angels.
(D) Oh come, let us adore him,
Oh come, let us adore him,
O (G) come, let us a-(
A)-dore (
G)-im ,
(D) Christ (
A) the (
D) Lord.
(D) Sing choirs of (
A) angels (
D) sing in exul-(
(G) Sing all ye (
A) citizens of he-(
E7)-aven (
A) above.
(D) Glory to (
G) God (
A) in (
G) the (
A) highest.
(D) Oh come, let us adore him, ( Oh come!)
Oh come, let us adore him, ( Oh come!)
O (G) come, let us a-(
A)-dore (
G)-im ,
(D) Christ (
A) the (
D) Lord.
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