3 Accordi usati nel brano: C, D, Am
Vota la canzone!
Guarda questi accordi per il Baritono
Trasponi accordi:
C -
D -
Am -
Over and Over and Over again.
I palm mute verses and strum chorus in time. Gives the original feel of the song
even when played on the acoustic
When I was young, I was so full of fearAm
I hid behind anger, held back the tearsC
It was me against the world, I was sure that I'd winAm
The world fought back, punished me for my sins
I felt so alone, so insecure
I blamed you instead and made sure I was heard
And they tried to warn me of my evil ways
But I couldn't hear what they had to say
I was wroooongAm
Self destruction's got me again
I was wrooooongAm
I realized now that I was wrong
And I think about my loves, well I've had a few
I'm sorry that I hurt them, did I hurt you too
I took what I wanted, put my heart on the shelf
Now how can you love me when you don't love yourself
It was me against the world, I was sure that I'd win
The world fought back, punished me for my sins
And they tried to warn me of my evil ways
But I couldn't hear what they had to say
I was wrong
Self destruction's got me again
I was wrong
I realized now that I was wrong
I was wrong, yeah
I was wrong
I grew up fast, I grew up hard
Something was wrong from the very start
I was fighting everybody, I was fighting everything
But the only one that I hurt was me
I got society's blood running down my face
Somebody help me get outta this place
How could someone's bad luck last so long
Until I realized that I was wrong
I was wrong
Self destruction's got me again
I was wrong
I realized now that I was wrong
I was wrong
Self destruction's got me again
I was wrong
The only one that I hurt was me
I was wrong
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