15 Accordi usati nel brano: Bm, B, F#m, A, A7, E, E7, Em7, G, D, Am, Bmadd9, Em, B7, F#
Vota la canzone!
Bm 224432
B 224442
Bmadd9- 224532
F#m 244222
A x02220
A7 x02020
E 022100
E7 022130
Em7 022030
G 320002
D xx0323
Em7 022030D
Beep beep beep beep beep beep beepF#m
go the horns in the cars in the street
we walked away from the lover's leap
opposite directions synchronised feetD
wait wait wait wait wait wait waitF#m
for the time it takes a heart to mend a break
how many moons are reflected in the lakeEm7
can you wait forever if time is all it takes
AmBm Bmadd9- Em
despite all the warningsEm
I landed like
a fallen starF#
in your armsD
beat beat beat beat beat beat beatF#m
goes my heart on the side of my sleeve
whispering something I can hardly believeEm7A7GD
"let me take the lead 'cause love is all we need
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