3 Accordi usati nel brano: C, Dm, G7
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Guarda questi accordi per il Baritono
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(C)As I was a walking down Paradise Street
...(Dm)Way (
G7)hey, Blow the man down.
A pretty young damsel I chanced for to meet.
....(G7)Give me some time to (
C)blow the man down.
(C)She was round in the counter and bluff in the bow,
(G7)So I took in all sail and cried, "Way enough now."
(C)I hailed her in English, she answered me clear,
(G7)"I'm from the Black Arrow bound to the Shakespeare."
So I tailed her my flipper and took her in tow
And yardarm to yardarm away we did go.
But as we were going she said unto me
There's a spanking full-rigger just ready for sea.
That spanking full-rigger to New York was bound;
She was very well manned and very well found.
But as soon as that packet was clear of the bar
The mate knocked me down with the end of a spar.
And as soon as that packet was out on the sea,
`Twas devilish hard treatment of every degree.
So I give you fair warning before we belay,
Don't ever take heed of what pretty girls say.
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