6 Accordi usati nel brano: C, E, Am, G, F, Dm
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Let it be printedE
Let it be knownAm
I`m leaving you
I`m Going HomeG
And all you can doF
Is Just watch me goC
I've put you downE
I've talked you upAm
defended your honor
And packed it in and picked it upG
And all you can doF
Is Just watch me go
From the eastern seaboard
The land locked midwest
The keys the alps the black hills
and the Budapest
With my heart in a sling
tail between my legs
I`m sorry for leavin'F
But when the palm trees bow their heads
No matter how cruel I've beenDm
LA, you always let me back in
And you can bury me when my body breaks
In the earth that created me
In the Golden State
My mama and her brother
And their Mama too
Cause I had a dream I was carried on backs
Of a thousand green birds
And they carried me to a place without words
And there was nothin' but there was everything
But when the palm trees bow their heads
No matter how wrong I've been
LA, you always let me back in
But when the palm trees bow their heads
No matter how cruel I've been
LA, you always let me back in
F -
end onC
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Info brano: Let Me Back In (i Love L.a.)
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