4 Accordi usati nel brano: C, D, F, Am
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e good my ay
e good my ay
e good my ay
e good my ay
e good my ay
e good my ay
im ot sure where i started or where i left you my aydoll girlfried
i feel so sick to my stomach youre ot arod ay loger you got a ew oyfried
is it my fault? is it my fault..i cat elieve i let you go is it a lost cause
is it my fault? is it my fault..oh cat you see im so sorry oh please dot cut me off
you kow i love tall wome its o decisio ay i cat elieve she left me
we exchaged some letters i cat forget her face oh please just take pity o me
oh poor rady my old ay is goe my rosegarde is clipped to its is she really goe
oh me poor rady my old ay is goe this is all that i gotta say to that fricki ro
e good my ay
e good my ay
e good my ay
take care of your ew rady
ad dot forget me
please dot forget me
e good my ay
e good my ay
e good my ay
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Top Tabs e accordiby Randy Rose, non perdere queste canzoni!
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