Over And Done With Tab uke di Proclaimers

4 Accordi usati nel brano: C, E, F, G

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Tablature / Chords (Brano intero)

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Album:  sconosciuto
Chiave: AmAccordi
Accordatura originale: -1.0 intervalli(o) (accordatura originale)
Progressione tablatura/accordi predisposta per l'Ukulele.
A# A# D D D# D# F F 

A# A# D D D# D# F F
This is the story of our first teacher

A# A# D D
Shetland made her jumpers

D# D# F F
And the devil made her features

A# A# D D D# D# F F
Threw up her hands when my mum said our names

A# A# D D D# D# F F
Embroidered all her stories with slanderous claims

A# A# D D
Its over and done with

D# D# F F
Its over and done with

This is the story of losing my virginity
I held my breath and the bed held a trinity
People Im making no claims to no mystery
But sometimes it feel like
My sex lifes all history

It's over and done with
It's over and done with

A# A# D D
Im not saying these events didnt

Touch our lives in any way

D# D# F F
But, ah, they didnt make the impression

That some people say

This is the story of watching a man dying
The subjects unpopular
But I dont feel like lying
When I think of it now I acted like a sinner
I just washed my hands
Then I went for my dinner.

Tab uke di , 08 giu 2017

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