Colors Of The Wind Tab uke di Pocahontas

6 Accordi usati nel brano: C, Am, Em, F, Dm, G

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Tablature / Chords (Brano intero)

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Album:  sconosciuto
Chiave: C, AmAccordi
C C                               Am Am
You think you own whatever land you land on
C C Em Em
The Earth is just a dead thing you can claim
Am Am Em Em F F C C
But I know every rock and tree and creature
Dm Dm G G Am Am
Has a life, has a spirit, has a name
C C Am Am F F
You think the only people who are people
C C Em Em
Are the people who look and think like you
Am Am Em Em F F C C
But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger
Dm Dm G G C C
You'll learn things you never knew, you never knew

Em Em Am Am Em Em
Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue
corn moon
Am Am Em Em
Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned
F F G G Em Em Am Am
Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind
Dm Dm F F C C
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind

G G Am Am F F
Come run the hidden pine trails of the forest
C C G G Em Em
Come taste the sun sweet berries of the Earth
Am Am G G F F C C
Come roll in all the riches all around you
Dm Dm C C G G Am Am G G
And for once, never wonder what they're worth
C C G G Am Am F F
The rainstorm and the river are my brothers
C C G G Em Em
The heron and the otter are my friends
Am Am G G F F C C
And we are all connected to each other
Dm Dm F F C C
In a circle, in a hoop that never ends

G G Em Em Am Am
How high will the sycamore grow
Dm Dm G G
If you cut it down, then you'll never know

Em Em Am Am Em Em
And you'll never hear the wolf cry to the blue
corn moon
Am Am G G Em Em
For whether we are white or copper skinned
F F G G Em Em Am Am
We need to sing with all the voices of the mountains
We need to paint with all the colors of the wind
Dm Dm G G
You can own the Earth and still
Em Em F F
All you'll own is Earth until
Am Am Em Em F F G G C C
You can paint with all the colors of the wind

Tab uke di , 23 set 2019

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