Tab ukulele senza accordi.

This is my first tab i have made and i learned it by ear so it might be wrong.
Commenti Tab (5)
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I wouldn't use a jump from 1 to 8, if anything I would play 1 on the g string then 6 on the a sting.
26 Jan 2010

I would use G string third fret instead of A string first fret, and i am pretty sure that the whole she-bang ends on that note - not 6.
all in all, its a good starting point.
it is a little misleading however, because i thought that this was the picking for the bleepy part, and not the melody to the song.
all in all, its a good starting point.
it is a little misleading however, because i thought that this was the picking for the bleepy part, and not the melody to the song.
25 Jan 2010

Top Tabs e accordiby Owl City, non perdere queste canzoni!
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