4 Accordi usati nel brano: C, C7, F, G
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Wee Wee SongC
When I was a Wee Wee tot, They took me from my Wee Wee cot
And sat me on my Wee Wee pot, To see if I would Wee or not
Wee Wee , Wee Wee
And when they saw that I did not, They took me from my Wee Wee pot
And put me in me Wee Wee cot, And then I gave 'em all I'd Got!
Wee Wee , Wee Wee
They took me from my wee wee cot, And spanked me on my wee wee bot
Which goes to show when nights are hot, You should never drink a lot.
Wee Wee , Wee Wee
Now I'm grown up in my prime, I can wee wee any time
And I can so honestly say, I only wee wee once a day.
Wee Wee , Wee Wee, Wee Wee, Wee Wee
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