6 Accordi usati nel brano: Em, Am, A, D, G, G+
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Guarda questi accordi per il Baritono
Trasponi accordi:
say your name
try to speak as clearly as youAm
can, you know everything gets written downA
nod your head
just in case they could be watchingD
with their shinyG
turn it up
listen to the shit they pump inAm
to, your head
filling you with apathyA
hold your breath
wait until you know the time isD
right, on time
end is nearEm
i hope they cannot seeAm
living inside of meA
to murder everythingD
i hope they cannot seeG+
i am the great destroyerEm
say your name
try to speak as clearly as youAm
can, you know everything gets written downA
nod your head
just in case they could be watchingD
with their shinyG
turn it up
listen to the shit they pump inAm
to, your head
filling you with apathyA
hold your breath
wait until you know the time isD
right, on time,
end is nearEm
i hope they cannot seeAm
living inside of meA
to murder everythingD
i hope they cannot seeG+
i am the great destroyerEm
turn it up
listen to the shit they pump inAm
to, your head
listen to the shit they pump inA
to, your head
listen to the apathyD
hold your breath,
end is near
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Info brano: The Great Destroyer (y34rz3r0r3m1x3d Version)
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