6 Accordi usati nel brano: C, Am, Em, G, D, Dm
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Guarda questi accordi per il Baritono
Trasponi accordi:
Jersey just got colder and
I'll have you know I'm scared to death
That everything that you had said to me was just a lie until you left
Now I'm hoping just a little bit stronger
Hold me up on just a little bit longer
I'll be fine, I swear.
I'm just gone beyond repairC
Lets write a song that we can dance to
cause they all wanna listen
just to know how it sounds like
I'll do that thing you know that I do
where I find inspiration
This is me breaking down when
Jersey just got colder and
I'll have you know I'm scared to death
That everything that you had said to me was just a lie until you left
Now I'm hoping just a little bit stronger
Hold me up on just a little bit longer
I'll be fine, I swear.
I'm just gone beyond repair
Lets write a song that we can sing to
and you can lead the choir
and put the hook where it hurts most
And you threw a spark that lit the candle
that set us all on fire
and sent a flame down the east coast
Jersey just got colder and
I'll have you know I'm scared to death
That everything that you had said to me was just a lie until you left
Now I'm hoping just a little bit stronger
Hold me up on just a little bit longer
I'll be fine, I swear.
I'm just gone beyond repair
And I should have been your everything.
I'm now at the end of my eternity
and I will sleep to have the darkest dreams
This just won't seem right to me
Close my eyes and beg for peace
Jersey just got colder and
Jersey just got colder and
Jersey just got colder and
Jersey just got colder and
I'll have you know I'm scared to death
That everything that you had said to me was just a lie until you left
Now I'm hoping just a little bit stronger
Hold me up on just a little bit longer
I'll be fine, I swear.
I'm just gone beyond repair
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