6 Accordi usati nel brano: G, Em, D, C, F#, A
Vota la canzone!
Intro & Chorus:
g em
it gets loneliest at night
down at the liquor store
beneath the neon sky
our moonlight
g em
six a.m. the floor comes alive with lice
the pans dried up so tight
with hardened beans
g / f#
were hungry
em d
so i lean on you sometimes
just to see youre still there
g em
youre feet cant take the weight of one
much less two
we hit concrete
em g c
how were we born into this mess
em g a c
i know i painted you a prettier picture,baby
em g c
but we were run out on a rail
em g a c
fell from the wagon to the night train
(play Intro/Chorus thru these)
i kissed the bottle
i should 've been kissing you
you wake up to an empty night
with tears for two
g em
cigarettes they fill the gaps
in our empty days
in our broken teeth
g em
say mister, can you spare a dime
some change could make a change
could buy some time
g f#
some freedom
em d
or an ear to hear my story
it's all i've got
g em
my fiction beats the hell out of my truth
a palm upturned burnt blue
dont call it sunburn
em g c
you've been shaking on the job
g a em c
just one drink ahead of your past
em g c
there's a white light coming up
g a em c
you draw the blinds hoping it'll pass
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