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like Pre-Chorus:Abmaj7 You gon' jump through hoops Know how many lines you do
Gm7 Won't matter when you lose Everything I've done for you Chorus:
Abmaj7 She don't wanna tell lies -She don't wanna tell lies- She don't wanna tell lies -She don't wanna tell lies-
Gm7 She just wanna feel alive -She just wanna feel alive- She just wanted more time -She just wanted more time-
Abmaj7 I'm looking for a long ride -Looking for a long ride- She just want a test drive -She just want a test drive-
Gm7 Now you on the west side -Now you on the west side- I'll see you in the next life -See you in the next life-
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Info brano: Test Drive
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